Video Link to Bobbie's Farewell Party
On July 31st, Roxi and I attended the Farewell Party for Bobbie Fries, owner of Hollywood Ballroom. Bobbie has served as Champagne Lady to the Ballroom for decades, and now the future of the ballroom is uncertain. Dancers turned out in record numbers to celebrate Bobbie's farewell in style, with a Live Orchestra and an array of local dance celebrities and performers, most notably including Jazz Legend Toni Rae and musician Keith Hill.
Dance friends in attendance included Michael Simms, Terry Chasteen, Alice Williams, Anna Boyd, and Stephanie Courtney.
Roxi and I were lucky enough to spend time with Bobbie during the height of the evening. She told us that she plans to keep the ballroom open during the month of August, in the hopes that she can transition the legendary venue to a new owener. Bobbie asked us to teach during her closing weeks in the ballroom. SO we will return there on August 13th for yet another dance party, while the ballroom remains partially open on a limited schedule. Here's to hoping that she can find someone to continue her legacy of dancing! We all hope the dancing will go on with a new owner.
It was a great pleasure to see Toni Rae in the crowd at Bobbie's Farewell Party. The Ballroom is a favorite among singers, muscians, and dancers alike. We all agree that Bobbie will be missed.
The rumors have been circulating for months, but there has been no formal annoucment about a possible new owner. It will be interesting to see what the future will bring for this legendary dance venue.
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