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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Finding the Penn station Eagles

During our recent trip to NYC for dance training, I was lucky enough to spot a Penn Station eagle!

In the days of the old Penn Station, there stood statues at each of the station's four main entrances. We always take the train to NYC for dance training. Often we see this photo in the hall if the new Penn Station. Since hearing the story of the Penn station eagles, I've been looking for them.  Until  now, I haven't been able to find  one.

The station was torn down to build the present day Madison Square Garden, but the eagle statues were all saved and are now in different locations all across the country.

I look for the eagles during every trip I make to NYC. You can spot one eagle near 31st Street and 7th Ave. It's easy to find if you are walking from Pen. station to the Ball Dance Studio.

What's funny is that another one of the twelve rescued eagles lies here in DC, in the National Zoo. I haven't been there to see it yet, but it's now on my list of things to do.

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