For years, Roxi has been asking me to adpot a Chihuahua, and for almost five years I wouldn't agree to it. It's been a long standing joke between us for several years.
It's doesn't help that Larinda McRaven and David Parry both have famous dance pets, which have served as a source of inspration to Roxi, who loves animals.
My many reasons for not wanting a dog was concern over time to care for it. Seeing that we've made several moves in recent years, in an effort for both of us to stay employed in the dance business, it didn't seem like a good idea. We've also been working 7 days a week for several years now, to recover from a botched move to Delaware, which nearly tore our relationship apart.
Our move to Delaware was a turning point in our relationship, in many ways we had a lot of positive experiences there, but we were working for a boss who never thought we'd amount to anything. The experience made me think, and rethink the point of haivng a dance career. We're still trying to resurfuace from botched experience of studio moves, and working two jobs or 7 days a week seems like the only solution.
Having been engaged for over a year now, Roxi and I have discussed the possibility of having children , and she (emphatically) doesn't want any. It has been a saddening point for me, but also a sobering dose of realty. It only makes sense if we want to continue dancing together, and have time to work and recover from the ill fated studio moves that we have made in recent years.
So this spring we went on a scenic drive through northwest DC, and had a long talk about life and dancing. Roxi's 30th birthday was approaching, and she wasn't at all happy about it.
I told her:
" Darling, you can have whatever you want for your birthday this year"
her relpy was:
"I want a walk-in closet and a baby chihuahua"
At that particualr moment we got lost on Peabody Street in Northwest, and ended in front of the Washington Animal Shelter:
Video of the Washington Animal Shelter click here
The Peabody continues to be my favorite dance, and there must be something lucky about thw word. For Peabody Street lead us to the shelter wit Chimi Choo.
We spent several hours discussing how we now work opposite schedules, and are working in a stable dance studio with a caring staff and a reliable, honest boss. Furthermore the management at the dance factory is dog and family friendly. Roxi made her way into the Washington Animal Shelter like a little girl in a candy store. I swear she wanted to adopt every last one of them, until her eyes were drawn to Chimi Choo.
It was love at first sight.
So Chimi Choo became part of our dancing family, an Roxi got her birthday wish.
A Walk-in Closet with a baby chihuahua:
Chimi is not actually a baby. He's estimated to be 8 years old. the shelter gave us a seniors discount for him. He's a wonderful little dog, and he's brought healing and joy to our relationship and to the studio!
Here he is dressed up for Anne-Marie's Lund Memorial Day Dance:
And he also joined us for the Virginia Beach Dance weekend.
here he is in the mouth of a Hippo at Mini-golf.
So that's how we discovered Chimi, the new addition to our dance family:
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